Bibliography- Articles

A list of articles and websites referenced in the Library, or generally helpful to keepers. For more resources, try the Helpful Links.

  1. Barthel, Tom. “The Hydration Equation.” Reptiles, July 2007.
  2. Bently, Adrienne, Barbara Toddes and Kevin Wright, D.V.M “Evolution of Diets for Herbivorous and Omnivorous Reptiles at the Philadelphia Zoo: From Mystery Toward Science” Scientific Advisory Group to the American Zoo and Aquarium Association,,1997. 
  3. Bjorndahl, Karen A. “Flexibility of digestive responses in two generalist herbivores, the tortoises Geochelone carbonaria and Geochelone denticulata”. Oecologia 78:3, March 1989. SpringerLink.
  4. Colvee, Salvador “Reproductive Aspects of the Redfoot Tortoise in Captivity” Reptilia, Number 21, April 2002.
  5. Crother, Brian I. (chairman). “Scientific And Standard English Names Of Amphibians And Reptiles Of North America North Of Mexico, With Comments Regarding Confidence In Our Understanding”. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetological Circular #29, 2001.
  6. Crumly, Charles R.  “A cladistic analysis of Geochelone using cranial osteology”. Journal of Herpetology 16:215-234. 1982. JSTOR.
  7. Davis, Sam, “Husbandry and breeding of the Red-footed tortoise, Geochelone carbonaria, at the National Zoological Park, Washington.” International Zoo Yearbook, 19: 50-53. 1979
  8. De Sousa, Ernesto. “Retrato De Testudo Carbonaria” TripLov.
  9. Donoghue, Susan,1997. “Nutritional status of tortoises using morphometrics to assess body condition”. Vivarium Magazine, Volume 8 Number 2
  10. Fergusion, Gary W. and . H.Gehrmann, T. C. Chen, E. S. Dierenfeld, M. F.Holick. “Effects of Artificial Ultraviolet Light on Reproductive Success of the Female Panther Chameleon (Furcifer pardalis) in Captivity” Zoo Biology 21:525-537, 2002.
  11. Fidenci, Pierre. “Chelonian Notes Along the Caura River, Venezuela 2001Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 5:6-8, 2000.
  12. Fife, Richard. “Pyramiding in TortoisesReptiles Magazine. 2005. (From the portal, go to ‘Turtles and Tortoises’, then ‘Tortoise Care’, then look for the article on pyramiding.)
  13. Fife, Richard. “Care Sheet: Redfoot and Yellowfoot Tortoise Ivory Tortoise.
  14. Fritz, Uwe and Peter Havas. “Checklist of Chelonians of the WorldVertebrate Zoology 57(2) 2007.
  15. Guix, Juan Carlos, Daniel L. Fedullo and Flavio B. Molina. “Masculinization of captive females of Chelonoidis carbonaria (Testudinidae)” Rev. Esp. Herp. #15, 2001.
  16. Hadley, Neil F., ed. Environmental Physiology of Desert Organisms
    . Halstead Press, 1975. ISBN 0470338512 (outlined on a forum here.)
  17. Hagen, Jack W. “What’s the Difference? Differentiating Geochelone denticulata andGeochelone carbonaria  Tortuga Gazette (California Turtle and Tortoise Club) 25(4), March 1989.
  18. Harrison, Greg. J. DVM and Debra McDonald,PhD. Clinical Avian Medicine. (Chapter 4- Nutritional Considerations II,Nutritional Disorders “Improper Diet Cascade”) Spix Publishing 2006. ISBN 0975499408
  19. Highfield, Andy C. “The Causes of Pyramiding Deformity in Tortoises.” Tortoise Trust, 2010.
  20. Highfield, Andy C. “Feeding Red-foot and Yellowfoot Tortoises Geochelone carbonaria and Geochelone denticulate” Tortoise Trust.
  21. Iverson, John B. A Checklist with Distribution Maps of the Turtles of the World. Paust Printing, 1986. ISBN 0961743107
  22. Iverson, John B. “EMYSystem locations for Geochelone carbonaria Distribution”  Terra Cognita Laboratory.
  23. Legler, John M.  Tortoises (Geochelone carbonaria) in Panama: Distribution and VariationAmerican Midland Naturalist Vol. 70, No. 2 (October 1963).
  24. Levine, Diane and David Shafer. “Red-footed Tortoise Geochelone carbonariaTortuga Gazette, 28(1), January 1992.
  25. Lickel, Laura E. “Intake, apparent digestibility and digesta passage in leopard tortoises (Geochelonepardalis) fed a complete, extruded feed .” Masters thesis project, California Polytechnic State University, December 2010.
  26. Lowman, Rodney J. “The Captive Maintenance and Propagation of the Red-Footed and Yellow-Footed Tortoises, Geochelone carbonaria and Geochelone denticulataReptiles Magazine, Number 4, Volume 12, December 1996.
  27. Lowe, Petra. “The Red-Footed Tortoise (Geochelone carbonaria), a South American TreasureReptile and Amphibian Magazine. March/April 1997
  28. Lunsford, Richard. “Guide to Choosing Your First Land Turtle” Austin’s Turtle Page.
  29. Mader, Douglas R., MS, DVM, and Carl M. Palazzolo, DVM. “Upside Down Tortoises” Tortuga Gazette, January, 1991
    May, Carl D. “The Care and Breeding or the Red-headed or ‘Cherryhead’ Red Foot Tortoise”, Radiata, 2004
  30. May, Carl D. “The Presence of Nuchal Scutes in the South American Tortoise,Chelonoidis carbonaria“. Shildkroten Im Fokus, 2/2010.
  31. May, Carl D. “An incident of Triplets in the Red-footed Tortoise,Chelonoidis carbonaria“. Shildkroten Im Fokus, 1/2012.
  32. Merchan, Manuel; Fidalgo, Ana M.; Perez, Cesar. “Biology, Distribution and Conservation of the Redfoot Tortoise Geochelone carbonariaReptilia Number 2, March/April 1998.
  33. MerkerWalter and Gerald. “Exotic insect feeders for your herps.Reptiles Magazine, August 11, 2011
  34. Moskovits, Debra.”The Behavior and Ecology of the Two Amazonian Tortoises, Geochelone carbonaria and Geochelone denticulata, in Northwestern Brazil“. (PhD Dissertation) University of Chicago, 1985.
  35. Moskovits, Debra and Karen Bjorndal. “Diet and Food Preferences of the Tortoises Geochelone carbonaria and G. denticulata in Northwestern Brazil“. Herpetologica, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1990.
  36. Ojasti, Juhani. “Wildlife Utilization in South America, Part 3.1 Turtles” Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
  37. O’MalleyDaniel L. “Geographic and Commercial Origins of the Red-footed Tortoise, Geochelone (Chelonoidiscarbonaria“. Reptilia Number 69, April 2010.
  38. Peterson, Charles C., Greenshields, David. “Negative test for cloacal drinking in a semi-aquatic turtle (Trachemys scripta), with comments on the functions of cloacal bursae.” Journal of Experimental Zoology, Volume 290, Issue 3, August 2001
  39. PingletonMike. “Understanding Pyramidal Growth Syndrome (PGS) in Redfoot Tortoises“. World Chelonian Trust Newsletter, Vol. 3, No. 1.
  40. Pirog, E. J. “Pick the Perfect Tortoise” Reptiles Annual USA, 2007.
  41. Rhodin, Anders G. J., Peter Paul Van Dijk, John B. Iverson and H. Bradley Shaffer. Turtles of the World 2010 Update: Annotated checklist of Taxonomy, Synonymy, Distribution and Conservation Status. Chelonian Research Institute, Chelonian Research Monographs No. 5. 2001.
  42. Senneke, Darrell “Differentiating Male and Female Geochelone carbonaria(Red-foot Tortoise)”  World Chelonian Trust.
  43. Senneke, Darrell; Tabaka, Chris DVM. “Red-foot Tortoises (Geochelone carbonaria)”  World Chelonian Trust.
  44. Senneke, Darrell. “What causes pyramiding?” World Chelonian Trust. 2003.
  45. Sprackland, Dr. Robert G. “Solving the Calcium Conundrum“, Herpetoculture House
  46. Strong, Joel N, Fragoso, Jose M. V. “Seed Dispersal bu Geochelone carbonaria  and G. denticulata in Northwestern Brazil.” Biotropica 38 (5).
  47. Tortoise Group. “Desert Tortoises, Adoption and Care.” Tortoise Group, March 2007.
  48. Vasolini, P. E. “A Note on the Reproduction of Geochelone carbonariaand Gdenticulata (TESTUDINES, TESTUDINIDAE)Revista Brasilieria de Biologia, Vol. 59, No. 4, Nov. 1999
  49. Vargas-Ramirez, Mario and Jerome Maran, Uwe Fritz. “Red- and yellow-footed tortoises, Chelonoidis carbonaria and C. denticulata (Reptilia: Testudines: Testudinidae), in South American savannahs and forests: do their phylogeographies reflect distinct habitats?Organisms, Diversity and Evolution, 2010.
  50. Vinke, Thomas and Sabine Vinke. “The Turtle and Tortoise Fauna of the Central Chaco of ParaguayRadiata 10:3, 2001.
  51. Vinke, Thomas and Sabine Vinke. “An Unusual Survival Strategy of the Red-Footed Tortoise Geochelone carbonaria in the Chaco Boreal of Paraguay.” Radiata 12(3) 2003.
  52. Weisner, C. S. and C. Iben. “Influence of Environmental Humidity and Dietary Protein on the Pramidal Growth of Carapaces of African Spurred Tortoises, Geochelone sulcata.Journal of Animal Phys. and Nut., 87-2003.


Revised 8-8-2012 (C) Mark Adkins